Table of Contents

Rules of the Court


(A) Signature Required. All pleadings, motions, and other documents filed with the Court shall contain the signature of the party or attorney representing the party in accordance with Civil Rule 11. Signatures signed by another person and initialed by the person signing the document are not permitted.

(B) Hardcopy Documents. The original of every document filed in the Court shall be signed by an attorney representing the party on whose behalf the document is filed. A party who is not represented by an attorney shall sign the document being filed.

(C) Electronic Documents. A document filed by facsimile, according to the local rules of this Court or by court order, shall include a copy of the signature or scanned version of the person’s original signature or a signature line with a backslash followed by a “s” followed by another backslash followed by the person’s name in print (e.g., /s/ John T. Smith). A pleading, motion, or other document that requires a signature under Civil Rule 11 may be filed by facsimile without the need for a separate paper copy if signed following this rule.