Table of Contents

Rules of the Court

Assignment of Cases

(A) Replevin. Actions for replevin shall be set for hearing per the provisions of R.C. Chapter 2737. No continuance will be granted unless by order of the Court and written stipulation of all parties.

(B) Assignment. All other actions shall be assigned for hearing, pretrial conference, or trial, based upon the facts, relief sought, and procedural issues of the case, except those actions involving the liberty of the person, wages, possession of property, and cases carried over from previous days or specially set by the Court shall have preference.

(C) Scheduling. Notice of any proceeding requiring personal appearance of parties or counsel, except as noted herein, shall be mailed, communicated by facsimile transmission, or as otherwise provided to the parties or counsel not less than ten (10) days before the date of the appearance.

(D) Motions for Advancement. Motions for the advancement of proceedings shall be submitted to the Court in writing with a copy served upon opposing parties or counsel. The Court, in its discretion, may advance a pending case for trial or pretrial, upon motion of a party or on the Court’s motion.