Table of Contents

Rules of the Court

Record of Proceedings

(A) Record of Proceedings. All traffic, criminal, and civil proceedings shall be recorded. Unless otherwise noted, the proceedings will be recorded by digital or other electronic audio recording means. Upon prior notice and order of the Court, a party in any case may have a court reporter present to record the proceedings. No fees for court reporters will be taxed as cost or otherwise paid by anyone other than the party providing the court reporter unless that party makes a timely motion before trial or hearing for the appointment of an official court reporter and requests in advance that the fees be taxed as costs. See Civil Rule 54(D) and R.C. 1901.33.

(B) Electronic Recordings. The Court shall maintain exclusive custody and control of the electronic recording of proceedings. The Court will maintain all recordings for the period required by law. At the expiration of this period, the recordings may be disposed of at the discretion of the Court except in the instance of an appeal in which event the particular recording(s) will be retained while the appeal is pending.

(C) Transcripts. A party may obtain a full or partial transcript from a recording by either arranging for the presence and payment of a court reporter to prepare the transcript or purchasing a copy of the recording from the Court on an audio disc.

(D) Court Reporters. Unless otherwise ordered, the audio recording shall be the official record of court proceedings. If a party seeks to obtain a transcript of the proceedings for appeal or use in other court proceedings, a motion shall be filed with the Court for the appointment of a court reporter to make a written transcription of the audio recording. Any transcript prepared other than by an official court reporter appointed by the Court shall not be considered as an official transcript of the record of proceedings. The costs of the transcript shall be paid by the party requesting the transcript directly to the court reporter. In the case of an appeal, the expense of the preparation of the transcript may be taxed as costs and assessed against the losing party on appeal.