Jury Duty Information

The Lakewood Municipal Court, like most courts, conducts numerous jury trials over the course of a calendar year.

Jury duty has historically been viewed as an important American civic duty. A civic duty incumbent upon all citizens. This responsibility is one of the significant reasons our legal justice system is viewed as the best in the world!

You may be randomly selected as a prospective juror by the Lakewood Court Jury Commissioners. The Commissioners are your neighbors here in Lakewood that volunteer and are appointed by Judge Patrick Carroll to serve in this most important capacity.

The selection process is random and utilizes public record information from the County Board of Elections. This process is commonly used by many courts in Ohio and helps assure updated information.

If you are selected as a prospective juror you will receive a cover letter and juror questionnaire, or what is commonly referred to in the profession as an "examination".

The questionnaire is required by state law and provides the court with general information about you, the prospective juror. Again, please take a moment to review these forms now.

If you are selected for actual jury duty you will receive a Summons for Jury Duty, and be required to appear at Lakewood Court on a designated date and time. It is important to understand that being summoned for jury duty does not necessarily mean that you will be seated as a juror. The summoned jurors will be subject to ultimate selection by the prosecuting attorney, defense counsel and Court.

For more information on jury duty, including eligibility, selection procedure, prospective juror summoning and exemptions and deferrals, see Local Rule of Court 27.

The Lakewood Municipal Court takes this opportunity to "thank you" for participating in this important service.